Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Girl on The Train ( Manggarai - Bekasi )

Today just like usual,, I'm going home by train, along with my workmate ( Wulan & Tya), we're heading to Sudirman Station by bus 640 aka metro mini, while the rains still fall. In Sudirman station We're separated, mine waiting for the train to Manggarai station in a track no. 2 while they were indifferent side. when arrived in manggarai, Luckily train to Bekasi is waiting in track no. 2. and hurriedly I ran onto that train. When I'm in the train I've planned go to room no. 4 from behind, and suddenly I saw girl, a girl like I've seen before,, a girl like I've missed a long time ago, I walk to reach the girl and when I near enough I always watching her carefully. I try hard to remember who is she?? for almost 30 menit I'm still can't remember, arghhh. I planned to chase where she will go down, and... she's stopped in cakung station which means the same as me. I continue to chase her and found her using car no. 03 destination kranji via jalan baru. I can assume that if she's using that car it's mean her house is near from station, and there are two locations she would live,,Griya Bintara or Rawa Bebek according to my assumption.

when I'm home starting to remember who is she? finally, I can remember it, you know what?? obviously she is my junior at Junior High school, and she is a girl who always I saw from windows in my class every time she's going to school. I'm starting to finding her facebook, but got nothing
but I got a few pic's,, for someone who knew who is she, please let me know!

sorry the picture sucks, bad quality of my cellphone and vibration on the train,, make focus doesn't work as expected  

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